Avvio Gift Drop

Dear Santa,
My colleagues have all worked incredibly hard this year and definitely deserve a place on your nice list.
From winning pitches for new clients or staying late to help a colleague out, to looking after our wellbeing with healthy snacks and lunchtime yoga classes – everyone at Avvio has played their part in what can only be described as a great year.
It’s why we would like to surprise them all with a gift drop throughout December to celebrate each person’s individual contribution. But we’d like it to be from you – the Avvio ‘Secret Santa’ because what a way to give that warm festive feeling you’ve always taught us, and end the year on an even bigger high!
Thing is, there’s a few of them. But we don’t need to spend a lot. It’s just something small and personal that lets everyone know they’re not just on the nice list, but that they’re appreciated so much and because Avvio wouldn’t be the same without them.
Here’s what I was thinking:
Rich: He’s worked his socks off this year and helped to grow some of our core accounts. He also fancies Caroline Flack - a lot. So how about some personalised Flackers socks? Easy!
George: She’s the one who has looked after our wellbeing by introducing a lunchtime yoga session. With that in mind, we could treat her to a gym towel in her favourite colour for those sweaty yoga classes? Namaste.
Jemma: She’s had a tough year but she’s not let it get in the way of her work (or her love of Christmas - that’s our kind of woman!) It feels like she could do with a big hug in the form of some snuggly reindeer slippers – they’re like a hug for your feet, right?
Lizzie: She has come on leaps and bounds in her first year at Avvio but she does sometimes doubt herself. We don’t though! A lion necklace could be her daily reminder that we ALL believe in her - and she’s braver than she thinks.
Bev: Oh Bev, she makes the most delicious cookies. Always there in a flash to feed us at any internal bake off (no matter how big her work load.) In fact, they’re so good she should sell them professionally - so we’re thinking a personalised baking stamp would help her kick things off.
Feeling valued is so important and sometimes it’s the little things that can make a big impact.
So Santa, what do you think? Are you in?
Love from
The Avvio Elves