Put The EX Into Brexit

Brexit is just around the corner. Get Brexit ready, today.
If you feel Brexit has, despite all the noise, snuck up on you, you’re not alone. The good news is, even though there’s not much time until Brexit happens on March 29th there is still time to get the ball rolling and open that much-needed clear channel of communication about your company’s post-Brexit ambitions.
Why bother?
Companies who communicate a clear vision of their ambitions and values post-Brexit will have the most motivated staff during these challenging and uncertain times. They will benefit from employees who understand their purpose and the importance of their work, who are less anxious and more empowered.
Put the EX in BrEXit
In fact these very uncertainties offer companies opportunities to actually improve employee experience. Through clear communication and a strong demonstration of leadership, you can lessen insecurities, increase commitment to the cause and build further trust and belief in the senior management team and their vision for the future.
The impact of positive EX on customer experience is going to be ever more important in a challenging post-Brexit market and will be reflected in the way customers view that company and its employees – ultimately affecting their bottom line.
A few tips about communicating your post-Brexit ambitions:
Be Proactive
Don’t wait, the quicker you can talk about those strategies, the quicker your staff will be motivated to implement your post-Brexit ambitions, if needed.
Be Sensitive
When you talk to employees about your business’ post-Brexit plans, acknowledge that it’s understandable to be feeling insecure and unsettled. Recognise that the situation is unpredictable, but emphasise the positive steps you are making as a business. Give employees as much information you can about post-Brexit plans, and arrange regular updates.
Give Avvio Reply a call
We’re expert in helping big brands manage big changes, quickly. At the moment we’re helping some of the largest UK-based and pan-European companies articulate their post-Brexit policy and cascade that vision through their organisation. As Employee Experience people our expertise is in big change and transformation – we understand how organisations benefit from improved EX.
Call us today and we will help you formulate and articulate your business’ post-Brexit ambitions quickly and effectively.